Projects and collaborations

Making music together

The music is based on dialogue and exchange. Julián is involved in several musical projects based in Berlin and Montevideo. He is interested in collaborations with experimental sound artists, visual artists, performers and other artists.


Guitarra con Markus Hochuli

«…para que su arte cobre vida».

Together with the Cuban-Mexican cellist Rolando Fernández, they perform their own arrangements of Ibero-American repertoire for guitar and cello.


Dúo Garufa

The duo has been active for two years, performing at Berlin milongas and online events.

The Duo, integrated by singer Catalina Sophie and guitarist Julián Croatto, two Berlin residents of Rioplatense origin, performs tangos, milongas and waltzes, mainly for dancing.


Croatto-Fernández duo

Iberoamerican duo based in Berlin

Together with the Cuban-Mexican cellist Rolando Fernández, they perform their own arrangements of Ibero-American repertoire for guitar and cello.



Inaltu was born from the confluence of paths, ideas and searches of young performers from Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.

Their aim is to establish musical links that go beyond geographical borders, towards the search for a common territory. With Latin American classical music as its axis, it is based on the idea of establishing a dialogue between works from different periods and aesthetics. Irene Porzio (piano), Luiza Anastasio (violin), Natalia Bibbó (flute), Juilán Croatto (guitar) and Samuel Aguirre (charango).


EUM Guitar Quartet

Created in 2011 within the framework of the academic activities of the Guitar Department of the University School of Music (UdelaR) as a project that involves the joint participation of teachers and students.

Its work is fundamentally oriented towards the study and dissemination of the Latin American repertoire, whether it is original for guitar quartet or through transcriptions and specific arrangements for this instrumental formation, seeking to contemplate both academic and popular music.


Bibbo-Croatto Duo

Together with flautist Natalia Bibbó, they have researched the repertoire for the combination of flute and guitar of Latin American composers, especially from Uruguay.

In this spirit, they have been in dialogue with composers such as Leo Maslíah, Esteban Klísich, Juan José Iturriberry, among others. They have performed in different localities of Uruguay.


Simón Bolívar Ensemble

Established in Montevideo, this group brings together musicians from Uruguay and Venezuela and generates a fruitful dialogue between the traditions of both countries.

Starting from Venezuelan music, they also integrate the Uruguayan repertoire and that of other Latin American countries. They had the great pleasure of accompanying great figures of Venezuelan music during their visit to Uruguay, such as the trumpeter Francisco “Pacho” Flores and the singers Cecilia Todd and Amanda Querales. Members: Jesús “Pinguino” Gonzáles Brito (musical direction) José Jesús Gómez, Karen Martínez, Federico Curti, Nicolás Giordano, Ruben Beak, Natalia Pasarisa, Lucía Pintos.




Free improvisation group featuring Nicolás González, Lucía Chamorro Julian Croatto and Agustín Texeira. They perform in unconventional scenarios, based on the interaction between sounds and other stimuli, together with visual and corporal artists.